Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Little More On Gun Control

I actually am in agreement with liberals on some aspects of gun control.  There are weapons which have been created for the specific purpose of killing other human beings--military weapons.  Those weapons should be kept in the hands of trained professionals and used only for military purposes.  No civilian needs a tank, bazooka, or nuclear bomb.  Or an AR-15, or any gun that can shoot dozens of rounds of ammunition within a few seconds' time.  Those are not hunting weapons, those are not for protection, they are either toys--or instruments of mass murder.  I have no need for an AR-15 and I don't see why anybody else does, either, for protection or otherwise.  One well-placed bullet from a handgun can stop any nut with an Uzi.

The problem, of course, is, if liberals are allowed to ban AR-15s and other "assault weapons", are they going to be happy and stop there?  No, they aren't, because EVERY weapon can ultimately be used as an "assault weapon."  Liberals aren't after AR-15s alone; they are after every gun that Americans own; make no mistake about that, and they will never rest until they have them all.  That's what makes giving in to liberals on this issue, even to the smallest degree, a very precarious matter.  The camel with his nose in the tent thing, the "give an inch, take a mile" argument.  They even have a saying for it in China:  得寸进尺 (de cun jin chi), or "reach for a yard after getting an inch."  Liberals aren't going to stop at AR-15s and other "assault weapons" because, to them, all guns are assault weapons.  They want the government to have all the guns, and they want to control the government.  And they want to tell you how to live and they want to punish you, maybe even kill you, if you don't do what they tell you, and they don't want you to have the ability to shoot back if they start shooting at you.  There was a very good reason why Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and other tyrants were among the greatest gun control advocates in history.  And if we think it cannot happen in America, then that is an ignorance of history that could end as the most tragic ever recorded among the annals of mankind.

So, while I do agree that civilians have no business owning a military weapon, I cringe over giving liberals power to control that.  The answer, as I've said before, is within people.  Some countries have very strong gun control laws, and very few murders.  Some countries have very strong gun control laws--and a lot of murders.  Why?  The answer lies in the civilized behavior of the populace.  America built its traditions of civilized morality on the Christian religion.  As that tradition has been increasingly eroded by liberalism, uncivilized behavior has become increasingly the norm.  Rather than returning the country to a freedom based upon eternal moral law, liberals want to give government more power.  Do I have to say again that, given the history of government, the greatest of all mass murderers, I think a return to Christianity would be a far wiser, and more suitable, answer.