Thursday, February 7, 2013

Women in Combat

I'm being lazy, for the most part, during our current semester break, at least as far as writing is concerned, but I'm still reading my favorites.  And I have another great quote from Walter Williams, in his most recent article, "Women in Combat."  The article opens with the following words:

"A senior Defense Department official said that the ban on women in combat should be lifted because the military's goal is 'to provide a level, gender-neutral playing field.'  I'd like to think the goal of the military should be to have the toughest, meanest fighting force possible."

Read the rest of Dr. Williams' article and then I will give you the rest of your life to try to convince me that there is anybody in government with enough brains to fill a thimble.  And these are people that more and more Americans want to give more and more control over their lives.  THIS is why America will not survive.
