Monday, September 16, 2013

Just a Little Wrong.....

In 2007, Al Gore said that the North Pole could be "ice-free by 2013."  This year, the earth gained a record amount of sea ice, adding the equivalent of 19,000 Manhattan Islands of ice.  Gore only missed it by 920,000 square miles. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thanks, Pope, I Needed That

As many of my readers know, I’ve been fighting depression for a number of years. It’s gotten somewhat better the last few years, but there are still some mornings, especially, when I feel pretty low and have trouble getting started. That was the case this morning. And then I read the following headline and literally burst out laughing:

"Pope: You don’t have to believe in God to get to heaven."

A good laugh is always the best cure for depression. A man who doesn’t read the Bible certainly has no clue what is in it, and thus should really keep his mouth shut about matters concerning which he knows nothing. If this current pope lives long enough, he’s liable to rival Barack Obama for number of inane things said.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Putin To The Rescue

Is Barack Obama going to be saved by a man he despises (and who has no respect for him), an ex-KGB agent who is probably amused by the whole sordid, almost hilarious, Syrian scenario?  For some peculiar reason that I really can't put a finger on, I like Vladimir Putin.  He's a Russian, a communist, he can't be trusted as far as you could throw him.  But he does seem to have a gravitas and intelligence that is wholly lacking in the American President.  Peggy Noonan has this interesting quote in her recent article, "Making Sense of Syria": 

"A serious foreign-policy intellectual said recently that Putin’s problem is that he’s a Russian leader in search of a Nixon, a U.S. president he can really negotiate with, a stone player who can talk grand strategy and the needs of his nation, someone with whom he can thrash it through and work it out. Instead he has Obama, a self-besotted charismatic who can’t tell the difference between showbiz and strategy, and who enjoys unburdening himself of moral insights to his peers."

Obama is grasping at straws with his consideration of the idea that Assad will give up his chemical weapons for international oversight.  Even Obama should be intelligent enough to realize Assad is never going to do that in the middle of a life-or-death civil war struggle.  But Assad can say that he gave up his weapons to the Russians, or whoever, and then he can use them again (if he actually did use them the first time) and blame the U.S.-supported rebels!  "Hey, I gave up my chemical weapons!  It's not me that is using them, it must be the rebels!"  This is farce gone to seed, all thanks to Obama.

And, now, Assad has started bombing the rebels again with "conventional" weapons.  Killing people with bombs and bullets is ok; killing them with "chemical weapons" invites an Obama attack.  Even most American voters are scratching their heads trying to figure that one out. 

And guess what the American "mainstream media" is saying?  "Just a fantastic end result for the president!"  "If this works, it is genius!"  "Diplomatic, national security win for the US, right? The president would have to deserve a lot of credit."  An admitted gaffe by Secretary of State John Kerry becomes American policy, and to the Obama sycophants, it's genius. 

Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

"Oh, no, Obama might lose the vote...."

A lot of the talk, right now, is that Obama might lose the vote over Syria next week in the House of Representatives (and maybe even in the Senate).  "Obama Faces Defeat In House" one major headline blared.  Don't buy it.  He's not going to lose the vote.  It might be a close vote in the House (it won't be close in the Senate), but he will get the authorization he needs to use American military force in Syria.

What is going on now is just posturing.  Obama is currently at the G20 Summit in Russia.  When he returns, he will start "lobbying" Congressmen to vote for his plan.  Enough will swing behind him to give him victory, and the media will crow about Obama's great "political skills" and "leadership ability."  Never forget--this whole venture is about Obama, making him look good, casting him as a strong, competent leader of America.  That's all this has ever been about.  And that's how it will be played after the vote happens.

I will grant there is one scenario where he might lose the vote in the House; indeed, where he might want to lose and has been planning so all along.  A loss gives him the opportunity to bash Republicans mercilessly; he can blame them for the continued war and "slaughter" in Syria.  The Republicans are, indeed, stupid enough to fall for this trick.  It is important to realize that, to liberals, the real enemy is not Assad, or the Muslim Brotherhood, or Vladimir Putin, or anybody outside of America.  The real enemy is the Republican Party, more to the point, those who believe in limited government, personal responsibility, and a virtuous, godly lifestyle (those people only exist on the "right", i.e., conservatives, and most align themselves with the Republican Party).  It is certainly within the realm of possibility that Obama really does want to lose the House vote; destroying godliness is certainly more important to him that punishing Assad. 

But a loss in the House would be an embarrassing loss to him, and I expect Obama doesn't want that.  There will be other opportunities to bash Republicans, so my best guess is still that Congress gives Obama the votes he needs.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Arabs Are Going to Pay for the War???

Secretary of State John Kerry has informed the world that a coalition of Arab states is willing to pay for America’s war on Syria.  The Obama administration is ranging beyond absurdity here.  Since when did the United States military become Allah’s mercenaries??   If the Arab states want Assad out of power so badly that they are willing to pay for it, then why not let them use their own military to do it and not risk American lives?   This is embarrassing, and if it wasn’t so serious, would be laughable. If the supposed use of these chemical weapons were so almighty important, let the Chinese take care of Assad. They have a bigger army than we do. This is nothing but theater, a show, Obama and his minions trying to prove what good "leaders of the free world" that they are. 

And yet, the majority of Americans don’t want anything to do with this.

I said five years ago, before Obama was ever elected, and have been saying it ever since, that he is an incompetent bungler, totally unqualified for the office he holds. And he is proving it. AND surrounding himself with equally incompetent people. But worse, what does this say about the American people who—TWICE!!—elected that man to the Presidency?

The United States may—may—survive Barack Obama’s administration, but it cannot long survive the quality of people who would put him in the office in the first place. The next President, likely to be Hillary Clinton, would easily be as bad, if not worse, than Obama. The only two things certain about the upcoming military strike against Syria is that an equally incompetent Congress will approve of it, and the lapdog American media will praise it as a great success for Obama, a demonstration of his wisdom and strong leadership abilities. The world won't buy it, will hate America even more, and most Americans won't care as long as they continue to get their food stamps and welfare checks.  The people of the United States have turned truth, righteousness, common sense, and decency totally upside down, polar opposites, and that is one of the greatest tragedies in history. It is also inexcusable for a country that was largely founded on Biblical principles, and has now almost totally rejected them.

What Will Congress Do?

There is absolutely no doubt what Congress will do--it will vote to give President Obama the right to use military force against Syria.  The Democrats must support their President, and the Republicans--who couldn't block anything in the Senate anyway--are too gutless to take a stand against Obama.  Congress hasn't done anything right in....I can't remember when....and there is no reason to believe they will start now.

What I'm chuckling at is all the "progressives", who voted for Obama, of course, who are loudly and vociferously denouncing any military action here.  They actually believed in Obama (some of them still do) and never saw him for what he really is--a politically clever, but wholly unqualified, incompetent, narcissistic elitist who doesn't care what anybody thinks, but who will buy enough to votes to enable himself to remain in office as long as possible so that he can force his warped, debased vision of the world on as much of humanity as possible.  It's about power, not compassion or doing the right thing.  And these poor little ignorant "progressives," with no knowledge of history, human nature, or God and His Word, have been like sheep being led to the slaughter.  Much of their world view, and moral turpitude, is in line with Obama's, but that's only because they are all godless leftists.  But, what most of humanity has never understood--but our Founding Fathers fully comprehended--to almost every politician, power trumps anything else.  Obama opened his mouth, said some stupid things (not unusual for him), and was trapped by his own words into a course of action that a huge majority of Americans oppose.  But, to save face, he's got to kill some people and waste taxpayers' money.  And those are the two things that every government in human history has been best at.  "Progressives", blinded by "gay marriage" and abortion, are clueless as to the philosophy that is truly behind the actions of liberal elitists. 

It was the "progressives" who were the first ones to be shot in Stalin's Soviet Union and Mao's China.  And, make no mistake about it, Obama would shoot his little cadre of "progressives," too, if he needed to, and if he could.  Because that is what the left has done best--kill people--since the French Revolution.  So why should we be surprised if Obama wants to kill a few in Syria, too?  Government in the hands of godless, liberal elites--well, actually, government in the hands of anybody, but especially godless, liberal elites--is the most frightening and dangerous thing in the world.