Monday, March 4, 2013


School started last week, so I'm busy again doing something other than studying Chinese.  I thought I would check in with a couple of headlines that noted my attention today:

"Kerry Hands Out $250 Million to Egypt"

With all the recent talk of the sequester, and the doomsday scenarios that Obama and the Democrats were throwing out, one would think the United States government wouldn't have enough money left to feed a baby.

But we've got enough left to give Egypt $250 million.

How can anybody, who pays the least bit of attention to what is going on in Washington, D.C., have an ounce of respect for any politician there?  I do think the Republicans--at least some of them--would like to rein in spending some.  The Democrats have absolutely no desire to do anything but build government as big as they possible can, to make as many people as possible dependent on government, because that's the way they get votes. 

So much for freedom in America.  I don't want to cry a river here, but I do feel the sadness perhaps more acutely than many others because I'm an historian, well-versed in what the men who founded America intended for it to be.  Their vision was brilliant, and I really need to get it down on this blog so that more people can know it, because I see very, very few people who have even the minutest understanding of what they intended.  These Chinese students are spellbound when I explain it to them.  They've never heard anything like it.  And, well, for that matter, most Americans now haven't, either.

"Farrakhan:  White People Fear Becoming Minority"

I didn't bother reading the article so I don't know what Farrakhan's rationale for saying that was (and don't care).  My thought immediately was, Why? Why should white people fear becoming a minority, unless the non-white majority intends to use their majority numbers to kill off the whites in a brutal race war?  Is there something whites have to fear from non-whites?

Well, yes, probably.

But my fear, for when whites become a minority, is for the country.  All you have to do is look at the way Africa, Mexico, Latin and South America are governed and you have a pretty good idea of how America will be governed, too.  Not to mention Detroit, Newark, Washington, D.C. and every other city in America where black liberals have held the power in the last generation.  Given the demographics and my age, I'll probably be dead before whites are a minority.  If not, I'll just stay in China.  I'm a minority here, of course, but if you whine about it, you get shot.