Thursday, May 16, 2013

Power Corrupts

Lord Acton's axiom, "power corrupts and absolutely power corrupts absolutely," is once again being evidenced in the current IRS and Benghazi scandals within the Obama administration.  As James Madison said, nobody should be trusted with very much power.  It takes an extraordinary person not to succumb to the temptations that power puts into the hands of human beings.  It is one of the most intoxicating diseases humanity has ever been plagued with.  Men like Adolf Hitler cared little for money, but he was overwhelmed by his lust to control others.  And, of course, it cost millions of lives.

As I said, it takes a special type individual to be able to handle power, and there are very few people like that (Madison understood that).  Certainly mediocre incompetents like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, etc. are terrifying with power in their hands; the death of four Americans in Libya and the tyrannizing abuse of--how many?--by the Internal Revenue Service are full indications of this.  Never has the United States had such unqualified, yet arrogant, narcissistic, and immoral leadership.  "Little people" in the IRS are given certain decision-making, but very important, powers over others, and these are powers that most of them, as is now obvious, have absolutely no business wielding.  Again, it's democracy--you give mediocrity power, and this is the kind of corruption a country ends up with.  Because mediocrity certainly has no business ruling anybody.

Power should only be in the hands of virtue, self-control, and self-discipline, people who know what is right and what is wrong, who understand their own limitations, and so importantly, who know the incredibly corrupting nature of power.  There aren't many people in the world like that, which is exactly why government should be kept as limited as possible.  Certainly none of that comes even close to describing anybody in the current administration in Washington, D.C.

But, as I noted in my last post, there will be nothing come of this.  The Democrats and their media allies will circle the wagons around Obama and Clinton and the tyrannical circus will continue until the whole tent comes crashing down.  It's...history.  The American Founders warned about it, but Americans are too self-centered, pleasure-seeking, and morally base to pay attention any more.  We get exactly the kind of leadership we deserve--power-hungry inept bunglers--because we fail to listen to God and the lessons history has repeatedly taught us.

I do intend to return, as time permits, to my series on "Let Them Be Heard."  The school year has been especially busy this spring, thus hindering my writing time.  But I have more to publish on that series, and the wise will see just how...wise...our Founders were.  They exposed Barack Obama 250 years in advance.