Saturday, July 20, 2013

A Great Tweet

Somebody posted this yesterday on Tweeter:

"If Obama had a city, it would look like Detroit."

Yeah.  Detroit has suffered through decades of black, Democratic, liberal rule.  It looks like a Third World African country because that is the leadership it has had.  Cities like Detroit, Chicago, Newark, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and all of the state of California, are microcosms (or larger) of liberalism.  And because liberalism controls the American education system, the products of that system are too ignorant and mal-educated to realize it.  We've had over a generation of that sort of education now, and that's why someone so incompetent and unqualified as Barack Obama can get elected in the first place. 

Detroit is Barack Obama's America.  And that's where he, and liberals, want to take the rest of the country.