Sunday, November 3, 2013

Obama Lied...What a Surprise....

Even NBC News has exposed the President’s blatant falsehood of "If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep it." Obama knew, three years ago, that such would not be the case, that stiff new regulations would prevent the grandfathering of old plans. It is amazing that the left-wing media is revealing it, but occasionally they are guilty of (in Rush Limbaugh’s phrase) "random acts of journalism."

Liberals lie. They have no reason not to, so that’s what they do whenever they feel it is necessary to promote and advance their vision of the world--and ram it down other people's throats. Since they do not believe in God, their morality is human, which, intrinsically, means it is subjective, conditional, and ever-evolving. So if liberals need to lie to cover up what they really intend, they will do so.

This still shocks many Americans, for there remains a residue of Christian morality in our culture; it usually takes generations to completely wipe out any trace of long-standing traditions and mores. Thus, the general view persists that good people don’t lie, at least not as blatantly and as obviously as Obama does. But for over 200 years now, the left has been exalting human wisdom above divine revelation. That means humans get to make the final decisions on right and wrong, good and bad, what is moral and what isn’t. Obama, and the hard left, are very consistent with that. He will tell the truth when that suits his purpose; but he also has absolutely no conscience about lying, if that is necessary to further his cause. And the government takeover of America’s health care system was a major goal of Barack Obama, worth any price, including repeatedly, flagrantly, and deliberately lying to the American people. That there is surprise and consternation about it only indicates how widespread is the ignorance of history and liberal doctrine. This is a ho-hum, folks. Liberals lie. Why not? If there is no God, then everything is permitted, depending upon location and circumstance. And humans get to decide that. Yet 6,000 years of human butchery, a butchery based solely on a continual rejection God’s eternal standard of holiness (even by those who claim to be following Him), has not been enough to convince most people of the utter folly and tragedy of a human-based moral system.  We still think we know better than God.  What fools men are.     

Liberals lie, but they will also kill—in the hundreds of millions—if that becomes necessary to build the world they want to build. Ask the people in the former Soviet Union and Mao Zedong’s China, as well as Nazi Germany, Cambodia, Cuba, and every other place human "wisdom" has tried to remake society. Not to mention the millions of unborn babies in America over the past generation. Men have always rejected God, and always will. But the consequences are manifest only to those who are willing to see them.