Friday, August 30, 2013


The Obama administration, in its bewildering incompetence, has let the entire world know it plans military action against Syria, and even what the targets will be.  As of this writing, that attack has not yet taken place.  What is the purpose of it?  Why kill some Syrians and risk the lives of Americans if there is no intention of punishing the man who is truly to blame for the tragedy in Syria?  Once again Obama is a farce wrapped in an embarrassment surrounded by a disgrace.

This whole "military action" against Syria (if it occurs) is designed for one reason, and one reason only--to make Barack Obama look "tough," so he and his media boot-lickers can crow how "strong" a leader he is, willing to take "decisive" action when necessary.  It also, of course, distracts from the failure of Obama's domestic policies and the increasing polarization and fracturing of American society, caused in large part, by Obama's policies.  Make no mistake about it, this is not about Syria, it's all about Obama.  Everything in his administration is about Obama and making this narcissistic bungler look good.  That isn't unusual in American politics, but it does seem Obama takes it to an extreme, and in this case, to a dangerous and utterly unnecessary one.

Syria has done nothing to the United States; they provide us no resources we can't live without.  That country does not threaten our national interests in the slightest.  What is going on in Syria is, indeed, a tragedy, but anyone with a modicum of historical knowledge knows that that region of the world has been fighting for thousands of years and will continue to do so.  America cannot change that.  The Arab peoples rejected Christianity, the religion of peace and individual freedom, for Islam, a militant, hierarchical religion where war and one man rule is exalted.  As long as that is the basis of Arabic society, those people are going to fight.  It is sad, but people reap what they sow.  And America cannot, and will never, change that. 

Whether Obama understands that or not is irrelevant, because the only thing important to him is his own reputation.  His sycophants in the media will praise him, whatever happens in Syria.  And the civil war in that country will continue.  But if Obama can look "tough"...then he has accomplished what he set out to do.  It doesn't matter how many people lose their lives in the process or any residual hatred it brings to the United States or danger to its citizens around the world.  Obama must look good!   It is the only reason for his existence.