Thursday, September 5, 2013

What Will Congress Do?

There is absolutely no doubt what Congress will do--it will vote to give President Obama the right to use military force against Syria.  The Democrats must support their President, and the Republicans--who couldn't block anything in the Senate anyway--are too gutless to take a stand against Obama.  Congress hasn't done anything right in....I can't remember when....and there is no reason to believe they will start now.

What I'm chuckling at is all the "progressives", who voted for Obama, of course, who are loudly and vociferously denouncing any military action here.  They actually believed in Obama (some of them still do) and never saw him for what he really is--a politically clever, but wholly unqualified, incompetent, narcissistic elitist who doesn't care what anybody thinks, but who will buy enough to votes to enable himself to remain in office as long as possible so that he can force his warped, debased vision of the world on as much of humanity as possible.  It's about power, not compassion or doing the right thing.  And these poor little ignorant "progressives," with no knowledge of history, human nature, or God and His Word, have been like sheep being led to the slaughter.  Much of their world view, and moral turpitude, is in line with Obama's, but that's only because they are all godless leftists.  But, what most of humanity has never understood--but our Founding Fathers fully comprehended--to almost every politician, power trumps anything else.  Obama opened his mouth, said some stupid things (not unusual for him), and was trapped by his own words into a course of action that a huge majority of Americans oppose.  But, to save face, he's got to kill some people and waste taxpayers' money.  And those are the two things that every government in human history has been best at.  "Progressives", blinded by "gay marriage" and abortion, are clueless as to the philosophy that is truly behind the actions of liberal elitists. 

It was the "progressives" who were the first ones to be shot in Stalin's Soviet Union and Mao's China.  And, make no mistake about it, Obama would shoot his little cadre of "progressives," too, if he needed to, and if he could.  Because that is what the left has done best--kill people--since the French Revolution.  So why should we be surprised if Obama wants to kill a few in Syria, too?  Government in the hands of godless, liberal elites--well, actually, government in the hands of anybody, but especially godless, liberal elites--is the most frightening and dangerous thing in the world.