Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Arabs Are Going to Pay for the War???

Secretary of State John Kerry has informed the world that a coalition of Arab states is willing to pay for America’s war on Syria.  The Obama administration is ranging beyond absurdity here.  Since when did the United States military become Allah’s mercenaries??   If the Arab states want Assad out of power so badly that they are willing to pay for it, then why not let them use their own military to do it and not risk American lives?   This is embarrassing, and if it wasn’t so serious, would be laughable. If the supposed use of these chemical weapons were so almighty important, let the Chinese take care of Assad. They have a bigger army than we do. This is nothing but theater, a show, Obama and his minions trying to prove what good "leaders of the free world" that they are. 

And yet, the majority of Americans don’t want anything to do with this.

I said five years ago, before Obama was ever elected, and have been saying it ever since, that he is an incompetent bungler, totally unqualified for the office he holds. And he is proving it. AND surrounding himself with equally incompetent people. But worse, what does this say about the American people who—TWICE!!—elected that man to the Presidency?

The United States may—may—survive Barack Obama’s administration, but it cannot long survive the quality of people who would put him in the office in the first place. The next President, likely to be Hillary Clinton, would easily be as bad, if not worse, than Obama. The only two things certain about the upcoming military strike against Syria is that an equally incompetent Congress will approve of it, and the lapdog American media will praise it as a great success for Obama, a demonstration of his wisdom and strong leadership abilities. The world won't buy it, will hate America even more, and most Americans won't care as long as they continue to get their food stamps and welfare checks.  The people of the United States have turned truth, righteousness, common sense, and decency totally upside down, polar opposites, and that is one of the greatest tragedies in history. It is also inexcusable for a country that was largely founded on Biblical principles, and has now almost totally rejected them.