Friday, September 6, 2013

"Oh, no, Obama might lose the vote...."

A lot of the talk, right now, is that Obama might lose the vote over Syria next week in the House of Representatives (and maybe even in the Senate).  "Obama Faces Defeat In House" one major headline blared.  Don't buy it.  He's not going to lose the vote.  It might be a close vote in the House (it won't be close in the Senate), but he will get the authorization he needs to use American military force in Syria.

What is going on now is just posturing.  Obama is currently at the G20 Summit in Russia.  When he returns, he will start "lobbying" Congressmen to vote for his plan.  Enough will swing behind him to give him victory, and the media will crow about Obama's great "political skills" and "leadership ability."  Never forget--this whole venture is about Obama, making him look good, casting him as a strong, competent leader of America.  That's all this has ever been about.  And that's how it will be played after the vote happens.

I will grant there is one scenario where he might lose the vote in the House; indeed, where he might want to lose and has been planning so all along.  A loss gives him the opportunity to bash Republicans mercilessly; he can blame them for the continued war and "slaughter" in Syria.  The Republicans are, indeed, stupid enough to fall for this trick.  It is important to realize that, to liberals, the real enemy is not Assad, or the Muslim Brotherhood, or Vladimir Putin, or anybody outside of America.  The real enemy is the Republican Party, more to the point, those who believe in limited government, personal responsibility, and a virtuous, godly lifestyle (those people only exist on the "right", i.e., conservatives, and most align themselves with the Republican Party).  It is certainly within the realm of possibility that Obama really does want to lose the House vote; destroying godliness is certainly more important to him that punishing Assad. 

But a loss in the House would be an embarrassing loss to him, and I expect Obama doesn't want that.  There will be other opportunities to bash Republicans, so my best guess is still that Congress gives Obama the votes he needs.