Saturday, December 8, 2012

Hurry, Washington Post, Before The Man You Worship Raises Your Taxes

From the Associated Press:

"The Washington Post Co. will pay its 2013 dividends before the end of this year to try to spare investors from anticipated tax increases."

Just for the record:  there are no tax cuts planned.  Obama has no intention of cutting anybody's taxes.  Of course, almost half the people in America don't pay any income tax, anyway, so they do not care.  What will happen, if the country goes over the "fiscal cliff" at the end of the year, is that tax rates will revert to what they were before they were lowered in 2001 and 2003 in the Bush years.  If Obama and the Republicans make a deal (i.e., if the Republicans cave and give Obama what he wants), then part of that deal might be that tax rates for most people will stay the same!  That is not a tax "cut", folks, but that is how Obama and the media are selling it.  What the media is trying to portray is that Obama is trying to cut taxes for everybody, except the top 2% (now it's 2%, not 1%), and the Republicans are trying to protect "the rich" and not cut their taxes.  And so--according to Obama and his media lapdogs--the Republicans are standing in the way of a tax cut for 98% of Americans by holding out for tax cuts for the richest 2%! That isn't the truth, but it's part of the political game.

If the Republicans will give Obama exactly what he wants, then he'll avoid going over the "cliff" at the end of the month.  Otherwise, he would be happy for the government to go over the "fiscal cliff" and let everybody's tax rates rise.  He can blame Republicans for it, because they were holding out against the top 2% paying their "fair share".  Then, next year, Obama can push for the 98% having their tax rate lowered to where it is now--and call it a tax cut!  Obama the Savior!  I really hate to call people "stupid," but...

Lots of folks, like those in the Washington Post, are trying to protect their money before the end of the year because they know that, next year, Obama is going to take as much of it as he can get.

Democracy.  I love it.