Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Some Interesting Recent Headlines

"Philly schools installing free condom dispensers over Christmas break..."

More “progressive” brilliance.  I’ve got a better idea—how about giving out free Bibles?  I bet churches would donate them and the taxpayers wouldn't even have to buy them.  Has anyone but me noticed that ever since liberals have booted God and the Bible out of schools and have been exalting condoms as the answer to sexual licentiousness, out-of-wedlock births in the black community has shot up to 70%, and is 40% of total births?  Of course, that is exactly what liberals want, because many of those people end up on government welfare—dependent on liberals. 

Paid for by decent, hard-working Americans.

If anybody thinks that that removing God from schools and a higher illegitimate rate (among other social problems) is merely a coincidence then…they are the perfect products of the government education system... 

"School Obama's Daughters Attend Has 11 Armed Guards..."

Good enough for the elite, not good enough for the rest of Americans.  Liberal hypocrites…Putting guards in the schools is not the ultimate answer, of course, but it is a start, as I (basically) suggested in my article on the subject last week.  But ultimately, that’s not the answer.  It’s mostly a moral problem, not solved by bullets but by Bibles.

Well, we could shoot all the liberals.  That would be a good start, heh heh heh…

"Sam Donaldson Tells Tea Partiers 'It's Not Your Country Anymore--It's Our Country'..."

He’s right.  Detroit, Philadelphia, Chicago, New York City, Newark, California, 70% black illegitimate rate, rampant drug abuse, millions of aborted babies, homosexual HIV infections, crazy people running loose killing innocents, half the country not paying income tax, Hollywood violence, 50 million people on food stamps, 8%+ unemployment, $16+ trillion dollar government debt, 12 million people illegally in the country—that is YOUR COUNTRY, LIBERALS, not the country of God-fearing, hard-working, decent, virtuous “tea partiers”…

And it’s why I want secession.  Let the decent people of America have a country of their own instead of having to pay for one they didn’t create and don’t believe in.  

"To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical."--Thomas Jefferson

Merry Christmas, everybody!  For those who believe in and love God, there are still many, many things to be very thankful for, salvation from this world being # 1.