Saturday, December 22, 2012

Searching for Answers

The college where I teach here in China has a television in the lobby.  It is tuned to CNN.  Almost every time I have walked by it this past week, there has been some discussion regarding the Newtown shooting and gun control.  Liberals sense that now, after this tragedy, there may be a chance to obtain one of their ultimate goals--the total disarming of Americans and the ultimate tyranny of the national government.  Liberals live in a dream world, a fantasy.  Their whole philosophy is chimerical, based in unreality, denying every law of morality, economics, and history.  And if they think the American people are going to willingly give up their guns....that is one of the biggest fantasies of all.  There will be civil war and secession before that happens.  And, I say, let it come.

I should clarify.  I do NOT want a civil war.  But I do want secession.  I want as many states as wish to govern themselves, apart from the busybody imposition of Washington, D.C.  Who knows better what the people of, say, Texas need--the people in Texas, or the people in Washington, most of whom despise Texas?  The federal government has far more power to control the states than the men who founded America intended--and for the very reason I just noted.  The people at home know better what they need than politicians far away.  The "one-size-fits-all" philosophy of the American national government just does not work effectively when there are 50 states with diverse geographies, economies, sizes, ethnic make-up and a 1,000 other differences.  "A single, consolidated government would become the most corrupt government on earth," Thomas Jefferson said.  And all one must do is look at Washington, right now, to see the wisdom and foresight of that remark.  Secession should have been allowed to happen in 1861.  Maybe it will finally occur.  And if liberals become too insistent on trying to ban "assault weapons" (every weapon can be used as an "assault weapon"), they might find they have less country to govern, ruin, and destroy.  Let them keep experimenting on Detroit and Newark (you get what you elect).  And Barack Obama seems determined to turn the entirety of America into another Detroit.  Blacks have governed Detroit for over a generation, and now a black governs America.  Obama has shown no more wisdom or ability to govern than Coleman Young or Kwame Kilpatrick, two of the black leaders who have turned Detroit into a cesspool.  Obama scares me to death; no, not him, the people who elected him, including whites!

The answer to Newtown, as I have said before, is not to blame an inanimate object that cannot think, will, or act on its own.  The answer has been in our hands for almost 2,000 years now.  It's called the Bible.  But liberals aren't going to look at that.  They will bring the whole nation down with them, destroying countless lives and creating misery for untold millions, before they accept the reality and truth of God's Word.

For a great article about Detroit and its degeneration under liberal, black "leadership", read Walter Williams' current article, "A Hundred Percent of Nothing."  Follow this link: