Saturday, December 22, 2012

Some Facts About Gun Control

--Some of the cities with the strongest gun control laws, like Washington, DC, have the highest murder rates;
--Gun ownership is higher in rural areas than urban areas.  But the murder rate is higher in urban areas;
--Gun ownership is higher among whites than blacks, but the murder rate is higher among blacks;
--Hand gun ownership doubled in America in the late 20th century, but the murder rate went down;
--Mexico, Russia, and Brazil have stronger gun control laws than America--and higher murder rates;
--Israel and Switzerland have higher rates of gun ownership than America--and lower murder rates. Finland and New Zealand also have high rates of gun ownership and low crime rates;
--Switzerland has 3 times the gun ownership of Germany, but has lower murder rates;
--For most of its history, England had very lax gun control laws.  A person could buy a shotgun in London in the middle of the 20th century.  New York had stricter gun control laws--and higher crime rates;
--"In 1954, there were only a dozen armed robberies in London but, by the 1990s—after decades of ever tightening gun ownership restrictions—there were more than a hundred times as many armed robberies" (Thomas Sowell, "Invincible Ignorance," Dec. 18, 2012; most of the information in this post comes from Sowell's article).  The crime rate in England has gone up as the rate of gun ownership has gone down.

Wicked, undisciplined people are the problem, not guns.  Youth, fed daily with violent music, violent TV shows and movies, and violent video games--and given no moral guidance because liberals have booted God and the Bible out of our education system--have no ability to distinguish right and wrong, no reason to control themselves, no cause to respect the rights and lives of others.  Our government and dominant liberal philosophy create an atmosphere of disregard for human life by paying for women to kill their unborn children, and then we are shocked when the children who are born kill each other.  And, keep in mind, this is "progressive."

We need liberal control, not gun control.