Friday, November 2, 2012

This is Progress?

Headline today:  "40.7% of Babies Born to Unmarried Women"

No, this isn't progress.  And it certainly isn't Christianity.  It's modern liberalism, and it's the Democratic Party.  When you defend sex outside of marriage under the false guise of "freedom" and "progress," you are compelled to accept the consequences of that doctrine.

This figure obviously does nothing to improve the moral, spiritual, or economic health of the country.  And this is one thing that Mitt Romney--that no human being--can do anything about.  Congress could pull the plug on the money that supports this (they won't); but that won't change the hearts of men and women who have been led by Hollywood, pop stars, and even many political leaders, to believe that a hedonistic lifestyle has no personal consequences that won't be paid for by somebody else.

Compassion is not condoning people when they do the wrong thing; compassion is teaching them not to do the wrong thing in the first place, and often, requiring them to face the consequences of their actions so they will learn from them.