Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What Should the Republicans Do?

In the Old West, when your horse stepped in a gopher hole and broke his leg, the merciful thing to do was to put your gun to his head and pull the trigger.  The poor beast was in agony and wasn't going to live.  Rather than prolong its suffering, you surrendered to the inevitable and put him out of his misery.  Nobody disagreed with that approach, as sad and difficult as it must have been.

The United States is country that has stepped in a gopher hole and severely broken its leg.  It isn't going to live, at least not in the form that it was founded, and it has no chance of rising to greatness again, given its current leadership and the direction they are wanting to take the nation.  The best thing that could happen to America is for somebody to put a gun to its head and pull the trigger.  Rather than prolonging the agony of death, get it over with, and--here our analogy with the horse breaks down a bit--start the rebuilding process again as soon as possible.

The Republican Party should recognize this (but, of course, there is absolutely no way that it will).  What the Republicans should do is simply get out of Obama's way, give him everything he wants, because the sooner the Democratic Party destroys the country, reducing it to moral, spiritual, and economic rubble, the sooner the nation can start to heal and rebuild.  If the Republicans fight, all they will do is prolong the agony of the inevitable.  Let Obama finish the job he and the Democrats intend to do, and then, hopefully, the Democratic Party will, in its current degenerate manifestation, disappear from the face of the earth and true progress can be made.  Plus, under such a scenario, the Republicans could not be accused of "obstructionism."  It would all be at the feet of the Democrats and no guilt could accrue to the Republican Party. 

The Republicans, naturally, aren't going to follow this scenario.  They are going to fight--and lose most of the battles, because they are fighting against the tide of history.  The majority of Americans, as evidenced by the recent election, simply cannot see the cancer that has infested the country, and it has now spread too far, too wide, and too deep for any hope of recovery.  There is nothing the doctors can do; this patient is going to die.  The sooner, the better.  But because we are talking about a nation and not an individual, a remnant can survive, and from a remnant, the Lord can construct a mighty kingdom.  Get out of the way, Republicans.  Let the unavoidable happen as quickly as possible.  And then let America turn back to God and the Bible and restore true greatness and progress.