Thursday, November 15, 2012

Yes, Let's Have More "Progressivism" and Less Christianity

The sordid affair of General David Petraeus is simply symptomatic of a greater disease in America, i.e., the increasing cultural rot euphemistically known as "progressivism."   "Progressive" "freedom’ is nothing more than sexual licentiousness; it is designed, largely, to protect two things—homosexuality and abortion.   We should not be surprised, with such a philosophy so rampant in our society, that it filters into the highest, most powerful corridors of the country.

James Madison said, "I go on this great republican principle, that the people will have virtue and intelligence to select men of virtue and wisdom."   What a laugh, at least as it has come to pass in Barack Obama's America.  Madison’s statement presupposes what John Adams so perceptively noted: "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.   It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other."  Of course, except in structural matters (elections, branches of government, etc.), the United States government today pays absolutely no attention to the Constitution—or the principles that underlay it.   And the latter is the real key.

Incidentally, none of these recent disasters—Petraeus or Benghazi—will touch Barack Obama.  Did Obama know about the Petraeus affair before the election?   Almost certainly he did, but ordered his people to sit on it until after the election.   Anybody who thinks it is a mere coincidence that this broke just a few days after the election is naïve to the highest degree. Nor will we ever know the entire truth about the Benghazi affair.  If what has dribbled out is even close to the truth, then Obama is supremely culpable in the deaths of four Americans.  If nothing else, his apologizing foreign policy is.  But, again, we’ll probably never know the truth, for sure.  Evil is in the ascendancy right now in America, folks.   For the foreseeable future, evil is going to win.   Just accept that as the way things are, until God finally gets sick of it and does something.   The Democrats, most major media outlets, and academia are going to protect Obama, come what may.   They are not going to let anything happen to him.  So anybody who believes that any of this stink will rub off on the President is…naïve to the highest degree.

Yes, what America needs is more "progressivism" and less Christianity (and pardon my sarcasm).   We certainly do not want a country where there is more love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control.   What we all want is a nation full of adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like….Any virtue that "progressivism" does  promote has been taught by the Bible for 1,000s of years and is rooted in the eternal nature of God.  So why do we need "progressivism" when Christianity gives us the good without the rot?

The secession movement is actually kind of funny.   The latest information I’ve been able to obtain is that petitions for secession have been filed in all 50 states and that 7 of them have garnered sufficient signatures to warrant the White House analyzing and responding to them.  Of course, nothing will come of this right now.   But it is a start.   Perhaps some day, in the not-too-distant future, the country will do the right thing—something that should have happened in the 1860s—and there will be a (hopefully) peaceful parting of the ways.   The United States is more divided now than it was in 1860; it’s worse now, because it is an ideological, in effect, a religious, split, not an economic one, as in 1860.   The "left" and the "right", in America, will never agree, and the feelings are bitter.   Liberals hate George Bush, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Republicans, Jesus and anything to do with Christianity, and liberal arrogance, elitism, and moral degeneracy tries the patience and tolerance of even the most devoted child of God.   So, let the liberals have everything north of the Mason-Dixon line, plus the west coast, and let conservatives have the South and West.   Spend some of that "stimulus" money to subsidize people moving to whatever part of the country they want to live in.  I'm even willing to contribute to that.

And then build a wall on the Ohio River to keep the liberals from moving south again when they realize, as they will in a very short time, that their country looks like Detroit, Chicago, and California--three places where liberalism, not God, Christ, and conservatism, has ruled for a long time.

A prediction on the "fiscal cliff" matter: there will be a deal reached before the end of the year, and the Republicans will cave.   You don’t need to be a prophet or an historian to see that.   The Republicans will give Obama the higher taxes on the rich that he wants (or most of them).  In return, Obama will "promise" some government spending cuts, none of which will ever happen, except those to the military, which the Democrats want to gut.   You will be able to tell how bad the agreement is by how loudly and long the "mainstream" media praises it.   When they trumpet how "reasonable" Republicans have been in the deal, that is nothing more than a code word for Republicans giving in.   "Compromise", to the Democrats, means the Republicans surrendering.   And that is what will happen.   You read it here first.

Plato said, ""Ignorance is the root and the stem of every evil."  Somebody wiser than Plato (God) proclaimed, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6), and "my people have gone into bondage because they have no knowledge" (Isaiah 5:13).  Read the Alexander Tytler quote again in my November 5 post "Who's Going to Win?"  And also remember the Theodore Roosevelt statement:  "A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education."  A PhD from Harvard is useless for the well-being of mankind if the owner of it doesn’t know and understand moral, eternal law.   The Obama administration and the Democratic Party are full of such people.  And it is why America is in the sad, tragic state that it is in.

Keep in mind, folks--never forget this:  government wants evil, shiftless, lazy, debauched people in a society because that gives government something to do.  Virtuous, hard-working, self-reliant, self-disciplined people don't need government, they take care of themselves, and that is exactly why liberalism and the Democratic Party encourages and promotes every kind of deviant, disorderly behavior they can.  Without evil, the Democratic Party ceases to exist.  The closer people get to Christianity, the less government needed.  Ergo, liberalism and Democrats hate Christianity with a passion exceeded only by their narcissism. 

That, and Christianity condemns their sexual licentiousness.