Monday, November 5, 2012

Who's Going to Win?

It is very, very difficult to tell, but it appears to me that Obama will, indeed, get a second term.  Here is, historically, the best explanation for an Obama victory.  It is (reputedly) Sir Alexander Fraser Tytler's quote of over 200 years ago:

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with a result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence--

--From bondage to spiritual faith;
--From spiritual faith to great courage;
--From courage to liberty;
--From liberty to abundance;
--From abundance to selfishness;
--From selfishness to complacency;
--From complacency to apathy;
--From apathy to dependency;
--From dependency back into bondage."

An Obama victory would mean America has descended to the next-to-last stage in this process--dependency.  For too long, decent people in America, lovers of truth and liberty, did not fight back (apathy) against the degenerate liberal philosophy that sapped individual initiative, personal responsibility, industry, morality, and faith.  Evil can run around the world twice while truth is putting its shoes on.  Hollywood was allowed to dictate the culture, pseudo-science (evolution) undermined faith in God, excellence and virtue were ridiculed, not exalted, and politicians were allowed to create, via the welfare state, a huge underclass of people who do not have the will or desire--or need--to work.  Too late, it appears, many Americans have woken up to what their country has become--a depraved, dissolute, European copycat.  Even should Mitt Romney win, the country is beyond salvation; the wound is incurable.  A Romney victory would only delay the inevitable.  The increasing Hispanicization of the United States guarantees ultimate bondage, i.e., dictatorship.  That's all those people have ever known in their history, and they are bringing it with them to America.  I'm not blaming them, that's simply the history of the cultures from which they come.  They can only bring with them what they know--and that is what they know.  Couple that with the countless millions of Americans who already look to government for their lifeblood and sustenance, and the conclusion--dependence and ultimate bondage--is foreseeable and unavoidable.  Responsible freedom--which is the opposite of liberal licentiousness--never lasts long.  It's too difficult for most people, and politicians certainly want nothing of the sort in the people they seek to control.

America is a classic case of Professor Tytler's analysis.  Barack Obama has been an absolutely horrible President, easily one of the worst the country has ever had.  There is virtually nothing to commend in his four years in office, and much to condemn. is amazing that a country that could produce George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Adams, Patrick Henry and a host of like-minded, brilliant persona, could descend to electing unqualified incompetents like Obama.  In an earlier, positive stage in the country's history, Obama would never have been elected--not because of the color of his skin but because of the content of his character.  But as America sags further below mediocrity and deeper into a quagmire of debauchery and depravity, people like Bill Clinton, Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barack Obama become the norm, and are exalted as heroes by the opinion-formers in society.  And, because morality has been turned upside now (for the umpteenth time in history)  excellence and exceptionalism almost disappear and are venomously denounced and reviled.  Barack Obama and Bill Clinton certainly do not want to be compared to moral virtue and excellence!  So destroy the good, and make evil and cultural rot the new "virtue".  It's a shame, but it's history.  It's no surprise to me at all.

A Romney victory would be an America still gasping for breath, but living on life support.  An Obama victory will be USA, RIP.  The latter is my prediction for Tuesday.