Sunday, November 18, 2012

This Is What America Has Become

Here is a recent statement from a New Orleans Times-Picayune editorial aimed at Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal, a perfect illustration of what the United States has become:  "With every decision Jindal makes, the message becomes clearer to hundreds of thousands of Louisiana residents who are uninsured: The state has no interest in helping you."  There is nothing here about self-reliance, about individual responsibility, about the fact that people should take care of themselves.  No, the whole theme of the "intelligentsia" in America today is:  the government will--should--take care of you and any politician who thinks otherwise is unfeeling, uncaring, and uncompassionate.  You have the right to live off somebody else's hard work and money.

And it appears, given the recent election, that the majority of Americans now believe that.  That it is the government's responsibility to provide "entitlements" to Americans, not Americans' responsiblity to go out and earn them.  With Karl Marx--and this is pure Marxism--"progressive intellectuals" believe that the rich have become rich by robbing the poor, and that it is the obligation of the government to right that wrong--to take away what the rich have and redistribute it back to the poor, who had it stolen from them in the first place.  Barack Obama, of course, accepts that totally--or at least, that is the direction of his policies.  America, not learning from the failures of 20th century Marxist states, has itself become a Marxist country.  Massive numbers of people in the United States soak that up.  Mitt Romney was exactly right:  Barack Obama bought the election with promises of free gifts to enough people.  May I refer the reader again to Sir Alexander Fraser Tytler's quote of over 200 years ago? (Click on the following link:  "Who Is Going To Win?")  This is no surprise to anyone who knows history.

No, folks, the American government is not 16+trillion dollars in debt because "the rich" don't pay enough taxes.  America is in debt because too many people have lost the virtues of hard work and individual responsibility, too many Americans want something for nothing and believe they are entitled to it, too many Americans want the government to provide them near cradle-to-grave benefits, but they aren't willing to pay for it themselves through their own higher taxes.  They want somebody else to pay for it.   And they have been demogogued that such is their "right."  That is the religious dogma of the left, and it controls the country.  But even if Obama took every dime from every person making over a million dollars in America, he still wouldn't have enough to pay for what his sycophants crave; and, of course, he would utterly destroy the American economy, and nobody would have anything.  That may be what he wants.  That--i.e., nothing--is what everybody in the Soviet Union and Maoist China had--everybody but the party nomenkletura, i.e., Stalin, Mao, and their cronies.

The tide cannot be held back much longer.  When us "old white guys" finally die off...when the men, like my father, who built America with the sweat of their brow, conquered a continent and brought it untold spiritual and material blessings (even for those they conquered!), gave their lives in wars for their countrymen, who sacrificed for their families, communities, and country, men who had a strength of character, virtue, duty, and responsibility that Obama's Americans have absolutely no clue about....and when the women, like my mother, who stood behind those men, raising strong families, teaching their children moral values, civilizing the next generation of Americans like God intended mothers to do, women who knew they were women and not men, and were proud to be so and to do their duty to their husbands, children, churches, and society...when those people finally die off, America will be a patsy for any rogue state with a water pistol.  No, our forefathers were not perfect, of course; perfection, as I've said many times before, lies on the other side of the grave, not this one.  America's Founding Fathers knew that, too, but today's leftist secularists don't.  Regardless of their faults, the virtues of our fathers far outweighed their vices, and that's why America succeeded.  Today, it is all too obvious, that, for the mass of Americans, the scale has tipped in the other direction--vice trumps virtue, and so the editor of the New Orleans Times-Picayune can write what would have been absolutely unthinkable in the earlier, great America--literally, unthinkable.  Nobody would have thought of it. 

Until Marx.  Until Franklin Roosevelt.  Until Lyndon Johnson.  Until Barack Obama.